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sweet pea 【植物;植物學】香豌豆(花)。

sweet pepper

The second was the man s conventional abode , or rather sleeping - place ; it contained a few poor articles of household furniture - a bed , a table , two chairs , a stone pitcher - and some dry herbs , hung up to the ceiling , which the count recognized as sweet pease , and of which the good man was preserving the seeds ; he had labelled them with as much care as if he had been master botanist in the jardin des plantes 第二層是普通房間。說得更確切些,就是那人睡覺的地方房間里有幾件可憐的家具一張床,一個桌子,兩把椅子,一只陶瓷水壺天花板上掛著一些干癟的草本植物,伯爵認出那是干胡豆,其中有不知是哪位好人保留下來的種子,上面貼著標簽,貼得非常認真仔細,好象他曾在植物研究所里當過植物學大師似的。

My sweet pea it ' s daddy 我的小豆子是我啊

Who are you ? - oh , sweet pea 你是誰?哦,小乖乖

- who are you ? - oh , sweet pea 你是誰?哦,小乖乖

- you didn ' t see what we saw ! - carly ! carly ! sweet pea -你們沒有看見我們看到了什么! -卡萊爾!卡萊爾!寶貝

You didn ' t see what we saw ! - carly ! carly ! sweet pea -你們沒有看見我們看到了什么! -卡萊爾!卡萊爾!寶貝

Daddy got my sweet pea a present 爸爸給我的小豆子買了個禮物

The sweet peas are twisting up the canes 香豌豆沿藤向上蔓生

- uncle scott ! - how ' s my little sweet pea -斯科特叔叔-我的小甜心好嗎

Uncle scott ! - how ' s my little sweet pea -斯科特叔叔-我的小甜心好嗎